Energy Management
Eisenbach Consulting offers several types of energy management services for medium to large businesses. Please contact us for more information on any of these services:

Demand Response is a set of programs that allow commercial and industrial electricity customers to help stabilize the electricity grid by voluntarily agreeing to curtail their electric load on demand in return for substantial compensation.

Demand Response is a set of programs that allow commercial and industrial electricity customers to help stabilize the electricity grid by voluntarily agreeing to curtail their electric load on demand in return for substantial compensation.

Power Factor Correction is a service that helps correct the Power Factor at commercial and industrial facilities, allowing businesses to avoid costly power factor charges on the monthly electric bill. Power Factor charges can increase the demand portion of your invoices.

Power Factor Correction is a service that helps correct the Power Factor at commercial and industrial facilities, allowing businesses to avoid costly power factor charges on the monthly electric bill. Power Factor charges can increase the demand portion of your invoices.

A Predominant Use Study is an essential weapon in your company’s energy management arsenal. Businesses with qualifying energy usage levels could receive tax exemption status. This exemption can be applied to future invoices while aiding in the recovery of past taxes.

A Predominant Use Study is an essential weapon in your company’s energy management arsenal. Businesses with qualifying energy usage levels could receive tax exemption status. This exemption can be applied to future invoices while aiding in the recovery of past taxes.

Energy efficient lighting can go a long way toward improving your company’s bottom line. Through industry leading expertise, our energy consultants will work with you to determine whether your company could benefit from Lighting Retrofits and offer turn-key solutions for the project.

Energy efficient lighting can go a long way toward improving your company’s bottom line. Through industry leading expertise, our energy consultants will work with you to determine whether your company could benefit from Lighting Retrofits and offer turn-key solutions for the project.